Hi, my name is Leila, pronounced Lay-luh. I'm Ethiopian and Muslim. I hate chocolate, but I love cake. I enjoy taking pictures, listening to music and writing. I love the Redskins. I play volleyball and I run track.
I like all aspects of film making, but mostly the actual filming of the project. I was in the Humanities program in middle school, so I've had a lot of experience with film. One of my favorite film projects was Personal Profiles from seventh grade. For this project, we had to find someone to interview about their profession, and make it into an interview show, including commercials. I enjoyed this project because everyone got a chance to perform each job from behind the scenes, such as technical director, cameras, and director. Another fun film project I have done is a NYC documentary about a person we interviewed. It was interesting to see everyone's different interpretations and methods of portraying the information the interviewee revealed.
There are several ways we can use this blog. One way is to keep group members and teachers updated on the progress of the group when doing group work. Also, we could post our projects online on our blog so that it's easier to grade and find. The blog can also be used to share helpful sources with others.
Image source: Washington Redskins Helmet
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