Friday, May 17, 2013

CAP Hollywood Reflection #2

Last week, I wasn't exactly the most enthusiastic toward seeing all the footage we got during the week. Because we were rushed, the filming process was a bit sloppy. I was a bit nervous about how our movie was going to turn out. Now, although my concerns are still there, they aren't as great.

When Vu and I started laying down our clips and such for the rough cut, we were amazed by some really good shots and disappointed by a few shots.

Another concern I have is about our audio. In the scenes in the TV Studio, the fan is in the background and it's extremely loud. Vu and I tried to fix it with Audacity, but often the sound would come out mechanical and unnatural. Also, in the outside scenes, there's wind so it's also hard to hear the actors.

Also, we have a lot of boring, static shots. Unfortunately, we don't have a variety of shots to choose from to replace some of the boring shots.

On the bright side, our intro came out really nice, and it proved to me that we may still have a slight chance of making a quality movie despite our current issues. We just need to work on each section individually and carefully.

We need to capture all of our voice overs, finish filming some last minute shots, and try to fix the audio. These are the most major problems with our movie that need to be solved PRONTO.

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